August 14, 2023


We’ve all been there. The 4-5pm snack attack, the automatic reaching for snacks when we are watching Netflix. But more often than not, people tend to hyper focus on the food itself without really understanding that there are so many things that lead upto the snacking or stress eating. It’s time to retrace your steps to uncover the chain of events that lead to mindless munching and stress eating. Breaking those habits that our bodies are programmed to do on autopilot requires some intention and practice. And often, really taking the time to improve your relationship with food can make your fitness goals less of a task and more of a habit in the long term.

Let’s take a hypothetical situation (not so hypothetical because this is so so common with everyone I talk to and you know it’s happened to you too) – It’s 5 pm, you’ve ended your work day, shut your laptop and head straight for the kitchen, checking your phone, while your hand wanders in the pantry. A small handful of chips, eat. Think to yourself, “Oh it was only a handful. What hard will another handful do?” Before you know it, you’ve eaten a whole bag without even realizing it and are still hungry. Not only that, you have guilt and promise to “do better tomorrow”. 

First, you are not alone. Secondly, the problem is not you! When you find that these kind of situations creep up regularly, it’s time to really identify your patterns with food.


Life can be a roller coaster, and emotions often drive us to the snack drawer. Stress, boredom, even happiness – we celebrate and cope with food. Take a moment to acknowledge your emotions. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling in this moment? Will this help me handle those emotions?”


Ever noticed how you sometimes snack just because it’s there? That’s the first link in the chain and the simplest one to try and solve. Pause before you reach for that bag of chips. Ask yourself, “Am I actually hungry, or am I just eating out of habit?” Reflecting on this simple question can be the gentle nudge you need to start breaking the cycle. But more often than not, you might need to go back a little further. What were you doing in the 1, 2 and 3 hours leading upto the snacking? Write it all down. What you were doing, where you were, who you were with and anything you were feeling.

Step 3: Observe and identify patterns and triggers

Do this exercise as many times as needed and identify patterns. Maybe it happens every Monday at 5pm because Mondays are your busiest day at work. Maybe it happens on Fridays when all the kids are home and driving you insane. Maybe it’s on the weekend when you are out with friends and succumb to peer pressure. 

Step 4 : Break the cycle

Once you have identified your triggers and patterns with mindless/emotional/stress eating or snacking, it becomes easier to tackle it at the root as opposed to standing in front of the pantry trying to fight your willpower. If it happens on Mondays, how can you plan your Mondays better such that you have a less stressful day + some nutrient dense snack options on hand. If it happens when he kids are driving are you nuts, can you take everyone to the park where you can get some fresh air and help them burn some energy (Trust me, I’ve been there). By doing this, you are actually solving the trigger and not focusing on just the food in front of you. 

Remember, this isn’t about radical change or deprivation. It’s about taking small, gentle steps to untangle the web of mindless eating. Be patient with yourself; breaking the chain takes time. So next time you feel that urge to snack, try a pause, a deep breath, and a moment of reflection.


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