Our mission is to help every Desi woman prioritize her own health and take her from diet-hopping to sustainable health!

The Regular Fit Story

How many times have you gone through the cycle of crash diets and detoxes or signed up with a coach who gave you a meal plan that didn’t take into consideration your dietary preference or your lifestyle? It feels like a chore and it is NOT SUSTAINABLE!

Then you look at social media, fitness influencers, information on the internet and before you know it, one person is saying eggs are bad for you while another is saying you need to cut out rice. If we followed all the advice we got from the internet, we would be left eating grass (maybe not if it was not organic!).

Regular Fit was born from Minakshi’s personal fitness journey of working with coaches who focused too much on the aesthetics and a number on the scale with not enough focus on markers like heart health, blood sugar, hormonal health, strength, mindset and confidence.

Regular Fit is like your regular fit of jeans, not skinny or high rise or wide leg! It’s for the regular woman who can do the regular things, eat the regular food and be Regular Fit. You do NOT have to fit into a specific size bracket to feel healthy and confident in your body.

You could do it any other way or do it the Regular Fit way!

We believe in

abundance over restriction

We believe in

health as a form of self care

We believe in

evidence based fitness

We believe in

fitting fitness into your life

We believe in

habit building over quick fixes

Minakshi Headshot

Hi, I’m Minakshi

And I am not joking when I say I have been where you are. I have done all the low carb diets and juice “cleanses” but found my true calling in the lesser known world of sustainable fitness and nutrition when I began my own journey in 2016 after I moved to the US from India (where I’m from).

What started as my own weight loss journey soon turned into a passion and curiosity for all things nutrition and strength training. That’s when I realized there was a huge gap especially for immigrant women who lived abroad and wanted to make healthier choices.

One, no one understood how to help South Asian immigrant women because they didn’t understand their food and culture.

Two, very few coaches took into account that us, immigrant women barely had a support system and therefore found it harder to prioritize our own needs over work, kids, family or life in general.

Three, there was way too much misinformation in the community about what you should and shouldn’t eat and what kind of exercise you should and shouldn’t do.

I decided to get certified as a nutrition coach (Precision Nutrition), personal trainer (NASM) and pre and post natal coach (Girls Gone Strong) so I could help immigrant women like myself get fitter and healthier using evidence based techniques that work and not random fad diets that my neighbor did to lose 50 lbs!

I believe Desi women try too hard to be a certain size, giving up foods they truly enjoy, over exercising and then eventually hating the entire process because exercise and healthy eating has never been normalized for us as a culture!

I started Regular Fit to help that exact woman break free from a constant diet mindset, to learn to prioritize her own health, to get stronger and more confident, all while living her best life! 

Does this sound familiar?

Did you know that 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and go the diet route at least 3 times a year?

And studies show that approximately 80% of people who lose weight regain it all or more within two years.

It’s time for you to not be just a statistic on your fitness journey and learn how to get fitter and healthier using our sustainable coaching programs and make fitness a part of your life and not just a one time goal.a

As Seen In


I got more insight on building balanced meals. Focusing more on protein is a lot of work for vegetarians and you took the guess work out of it.

The other thing I enjoyed was consistency over perfection ( getting 15 min movement every day is much better than no movement or 2 hrs of movement a week). I have learnt to do that.

I have learnt how to balance my meals and in return, I have seen my weight drop, my clothes fit better but more importantly, I have the energy that I need to run with my kids!

What Clients Say


Working with Minakshi was the best decision I made in 2022. Her approach was so tailored to my lifestyle and needs that it never felt like a burden to focus on my health.

The changes were made so systematically that I went from 0 workouts to 2-3 a week without stressing about finding time. Similarly I went from eating 50-60 gms of protein to 100+ grams of protein a day seamlessly.

In just three months, I lost enough inches that I needed new jeans, my cholesterol numbers improved drastically. Instead of sneaking small bites and trying to be satisfied, I actually sit down and eat whatever I’m craving. My enjoyment in food has improved because the guilt attached to eating is gone.